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How often do you get excited about new makeup products? Rare? I almost never, as I own like too many makeup products, and I look at it as a tool for work, not something that excites me from the design till the content!  And here we go! Boom- Lancome creates a fun, cool looking and prefect product inside out- Juicy shaker lip oil ! This small shaker is fun to use, as each time you have to shake it before applying- to combine all the ingredients in a perfect shade and consitency. It is really addictive! I' ve got 2 shades. First I got this one - berry in love, it is perfect for winter, summer type girls and the orher one I got is Mangoes wild- this is just a super perfect fresh shade for anyone, any age, any race. This products doesn't require any skills to use it. Even if you never used a lipgloss before! Yes, this one has to be your first! It's not sticky, but gives a shine, it doesn't run out of the lip contour but it's not dry, it gives a nice shade, but it's not a full coverage, it smells really fresh  and tasty without feeling too synthetic or annoying. Juicy shaker is a make-up unicorn! At least it is for me. Finally something made me WOW and excited. You can put some drops on your cheeks to use it as well as a blush, or a bit on your eyelids to give a fresh look!
By the way. Check out my Lancome Juicy shaker competition video on my YOUTUBE chanel!

SONG: Flyingmice feat NGA -SUPERSEDE full vocal mix

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