I haven't yet told you about one awesome saturday I spent 4h working out with ADIDAS and their new PureBOOSTX running shoes. I already told you that I absolutely love them. They are so comfortable and there is such a big difference in a comfort level. So if youre looking for new pair of running shoes- I suggest U to have a look at these :)
Back to Adidas traininh where I had a chance to try out 4 diffenrent workouts. First was a super hard high intensity cardio work out. That was too crazy for me- I looked like a fool trying to catch up with everyone. Second one was a fun selfie workout where we did some nice ABS workouts while taking some selfies :D Then I went for my first ever TRX workout- Love from the first move. It is a hard workout, but so worth it. I will try to do more of these. And last was a yoga and the music was a live playing band Triana Park. After all this fitness madness I went home and went out for a party with my girls. Well, on the next day I felt everything from those 4h I spent jumping, rolling, pulling and pushing my body in DCH studio. Oh, I have to tell what a fool I made ... one of the trainers there had a super cool tattoos and he was so handsome. Well, I fell for beautiful people so easy ( my bad). And when I started to tell the girls about that man - they were so LOL at me.. cause that man is a gay! Ok, so I fell for a gay. Come on.. why all guys don't take an example and look and be sexy like gays.
By the way I'm off to MILAN in the evening so I guess my instagram and snapchat will blow up :D You can follow me @laura_valuta on Instagram and on Snapchat: lauravaluta

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