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I used it, Did I liked it?

Here we go with a bunch of products that are empty. Some of them are really worth to be bought again and to be kept in mind, but some of them shall be forgotten and never spent a cent on them. So I won't do a long post about each of them, just my thumbs up, if it is worth looking at, thumbs down if  it is a "don't spent your time even thinking about them".  Let's begin!

RITUALS Honey touch body cream - thumbs up
RITUALS TAO l XIU XI massage oil - thumbs up
CLARINS dark spot corrective serum - thumbs up
YVES ROCHER repair lotion extra dry skin - thumbs up
EVELINE SLIM EXTREME 4D anti-cellulite cream - thumbs up
COSLYS Micellar water - thumbs up
GARNIER eye make-up remover - thumbs up
INGLOT Multi action toner - thumbs up
KIWI toner - thumbs down ( bottle even not half empty )
KRUIDVAT Ultra strong 4 shine hair spray - thumbs down
GIOVANNI - magnetic conditioner - thumbs up
SYOSS  SHINE & Hold hairspray - thumbs up
SYOSS MAX HOLD hairspray - thumbs up
ELVITAL extraordinary oil shampoo ( perfect for brushes) thumbs down
GIOVANNI Smooth as silk protein hair infusion - thimbs down
MATRIX Texture builder - thumbs up ( I want to buy it again) 
BES Silkat argan & macadamia repair shimmer shield - thumbs up ( I need it again) 
YSL matt touch oil- free base - thumbs up
NYX photo loving primer - anti redness- thumbs up
MAKE UP FOR EVER face & body foundation - thumbs up ( using for 6 or more years)
MAKE UP FOR EVER HD foundation - thumbs up ( best ever foundation) 
MAC FIX+ finishing mist - thumbs up ( I need to buy) 
INGLOT Make up fixer - thumbs up
NYX DEWY finish long lasting setting spray - thumbs down
DZINTARS Kredo - foe hair growth - thumbs down ( not even empty)
STENDERS body butter balm mint- thumbs up
INGLOT Refreshing hand gel -thumbs up
MAYBELLINE lash sensational lash multiplying mascara- thumbs down
GOSH Boombastic xxl volume mascara- thumbs down
NYX Doll Eye mascara - thumbs down
DOUGLAS - boom eyes - thumbs up
LOREAL VOLUM million lashes both of them  - thumbs up
GOSH Crazy volume mascara - thumbs down
GOSH amazing length'n mascara purple - thumbs up
LOREAL- false lash wings midnight blacks mascara - thumbs down 
URBAN DECAY Eyeshadow primer potion: 
Original - thumbs up
Eden ( matt) - thumbs down
Sin ( shimmery) - thumbs up 
Anti-aging -thumbs up ( favorite) 
REVITALASH -eyelash conditioner - thumbs down ( dont yuse on eyelashes- dangerous)
LOREAL Super liner perfect slim x 2 - thumbs up ( just dries out quickly)
MAKE UP FOR EVER HD concealer - thumbs up
NYX HD concealer CW02, CW05 - thumbs up ( the best, suggested)
KANEBO international mode gloss - thumbs down ( sticky)
MAKE UP FOR EVER lip liner nr 26 - thumbs up ( perfect everyday shade)
GOSH let's twist eye liner 102, 103 - thumbs down ( too hard)
SUPERDRUG STORES Lip therapy aloe vera, spf 15 - thumbs up
MAYBELLINE New York lasting drama gel eyeliner black- thumbs up

So these are my own thoughs about products, they might not be the same with yours. I talk about most of the products not as if they suit only me, but if they are compatible with as many people possible- this is reffering to the hair& make-up section. Skin care is purely my own taste and opinion! :) 

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Laura teica...

Daudz gan! Man savukārt Maybelline Lash sensational kļuva par favorītu. Lai gan sākumā nepatika, bet tad piešāvos ar viņu rīkoties un woow, skropstas kā lellei :)

Santa teica...

Es kāreiz taisījos rakstīt, ka man kāds labs cilvēks ieteica šo Maybelline tušu, kā Chanel aizstājēju. Un skatos, ka te nu tu esi - mans labais cilvēks.
Tiešām - no sākuma tuša ne pārak patika, bet tagad kad esmu piešāvusies - absolūts favorīts.
Bet katram tiešam savs :)

Elīna teica...

Kāpēc nepatika Kivvi toniks (kurš tieši tas ir?)? Es kāreiz domāju, ka gribu izmēģināt, jo daudzi slavē.

Unknown teica...

Noteikti par šo tušu būs dažādi viedokļi, man viņa vairākas reizes pabojāja omu, kad bija jālabo zem acīm atstātie nospiedumi meitenēm, bet tas tik man tā ... Nesaku, ka briesmīga, bet man beigās ar viņu izcēlās kašķis :D

Unknown teica...

Man sametās pumpas. iespējams tapēc, ka šis iepakojums ir no brīža, kad viņi neatklāja kas tas par produktu, tikai vēlējās uzzināt domas. :( Mana āda nebija sajūsmā.