Hair, hair, hair – I’ve been trying this green set in collaboration with Garner.
Many of you asks about what products I use for my hair, and to be completely honest I use different all the time. When I was in Portugal I saw these in the shelves of the shop and I thought- again someone forgot about Latvia and why we don't get the cool stuff. But after a half year- someone remembered about us too! : ) Garnier Ultra Doux Mythic Olive products smells really nice, which is important to me, then the bottles has a nice design as well and the result for my dry hair is pretty awsome. Silky, smooth and shiny hair. I know that these are not cruelty free products, but they are paraben free. Contains E vitamin and virgin olive oil cold pressed is known for it's benefical properties. This is a lot for a price like this. Like the shampoo and conditioners price is around 2,50€ and a mask for hair costs around 4.30€. Prices may vary, but still that's a bargain for a hair care products.
How about you guys, do you stick to the same brand or do you change your hair products often?

P.s. Have your tried soft-flow nēo antipersperant? Deodorant dry mist from Garnier is soft to your skin but effective against the sweating. This product is patented. This product contains panthenol to calm your skin. I don't use antiperspirants daily, but this one was quite nice, I carry this one in my gym bag. Price in Latvia around 3,79€

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Man ir šampūns, tomēr kārtējo reizi pārliecinos, ka nevaru katru dienu mazgāt galvu ar "eļļu" šampūniem, mati sataukojas ātrāk.
Man bija alvejas komplektiņš, mati tik mīksti un forši, to arī varu ieteikt. Vispār Ultra Doux, manuprāt, ir labākais šādā cenu kategorijā. Šobrīd man ir Toni&Guy un Matrix Oil Wonders Rose Volume, jāskatās, vai patiešām ir tiiik liela atšķirība starp mass market un profesionālajiem līdzekļiem. :)
Ū, izskatās labi! Bet jā, kā jau Elīna saka, bail, ka ātrāk taukosies. Es mēģināju Dove tajās tūbās pure care dry oil - tas kondicionieris pats par sevi riktīgi smags, bet mati pēctam bija ļoti labi, spīdīgi, gludi. Bet šo varbūt var kā otro komplektu turēt vannasistabā, lai lietotu pamīšus ar kādu citu šampūnu :)
es patreiz ar lietoju vairākus, tikko izmazgāju aru Aussie un mati tīiik forši :) Bet šo es ar uzskatu par labu produktu šādā cenu kategorijā ;)
Iespējams, ka taukosies ātrāk, bet man draudzene to Dove dry oil ar saviem smalkajiem matiem lieto tik šampūnu un mati esot ideāli, slideni, gludi, spīdīgi :) Tā ka, iespējams reizumis var lietot nevis duo, bet tikai šampūnu :)
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