L'oreal PARIS Nude Magique cushion #taptap is at the moment the most popular and most talked about product. Why so? Just cause it's L'Oreal. They haven't invented anything new, as cushion foundations is on the market for a while, but still L'oreal has combined the quality and the innovation in an affordable product. Do I like it, yes, I do! It's perfect for everyday, has a light coverage and is easy to use. Price in Latvia is around 15€ at the moment. I did shoot a video about it, just it's in Latvian. But I guess I won't say anything new or different about this product. I give it a thumbs up! My shade is 03 Vanilla. Perfect for light skin tones. :)
How you layed your hands on any kind of CUSHION foundations!?

*PR sample from L'Oreal Latvia
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