To be happy, be assessed and to be loved! Nobody want's to be lonley... But sometimes we stand in a room full with people and we still feel sad, lonley and kind of empty. Standing there and feeling like that makes us to want someone in our life who will make us happy and sort all of our problems. When we feel lonely , we become more like kids, we want all the attention, support and care just to ourselfs.
This is what I am learning now. To be happy the way I am, not looking for something that is just ostensible. At the moment reading books helps and really opens my mind, the way I think and I belive so does the years I have lived on this planet. By the way, I'm just half year away from my 30th birthday. Am I affraid? No! Cause I love me as a person each year more and more. Maybe few things I dislike a lot - cause they have arised just from all the experiences in my life. Maybe I haven't achieved some kind of society expectations. Family, kids, house or at least representable and high paid job. No, I haven't and I don't care, cause unfortunately men has become more like women and women more like men... So it get's harder to find a partner. Im not even talking about someone special who makes our heart jump up and down, all those butterflies in our stomach and pink and blinding glasses on our noses. No! I'm refering this more to a man that could stand strong, be responsible and take care of the family- plus at least look like a man, not like a skinny girl in leggings. So I've stopped trying to olease the society, I want to be content with my choices, with my actions, with my self. I invest my time, money and energy In actions that makes me feel better and satisfies me.
So don't wait for someone to come and change things for U! Be strong, risk, take chances and fulfill your life and feel good about yourself and the place where U stand.
Lot's of love!

MANGO - faux leather jacket
Happiness boutique - earrings
Michael Kors - watch
Dune London - bag
Photos: Santa Kozlova

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