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 Hey, this has been one of the coolest presentations I've been to. And I have to say that Wella Professionals surprised me in a really good way, now we have an amazing training centre here in Riga, and closest similar before was in Frankfurt.  WELLA stand strong in the world for already 136 years. You can find 3 names of the same product around the world: Londa, Clairol and Kadus - they all are the same.
But well there is so much more to tell about the products, differences and how to use them, so I sure will do it a bit later. I will show how to use them and how to style your hair in different ways. But I am really glad and happy about this studio, as they will do master classes with professionals from all over the world -thats a huge deal for Latvia. And I am happy that we all and I can grow as a better professionals and as well provide better service to our clients. Here I am speaking more as a Pro stylist not just a beauty blogger. High quality trainings are so important.
Ok I am leaving you with photos- so you can see that it was a fun fun day!

Photos: Jānis Saliņš

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