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LOREAL Nutri Gold extraordinary | review

Something new in my skin care routine!
Well,  thanks To L'Oreal Baltic I got my hands on these 2 really cool products. One is  Extraordinary Night cream mask- enriched with etheric oils that's ideal for the nordic skin that's often exposed to environmental stresses. The comfort of a cream and the pleasure of an oil. And the other one is  Extraordinary Rebalancing facial oil - nourishes, softens, brightens ( 8 essential oils - lavander, marjoram, romarin, geranium, rose, chamomile, orange, lavandin)
Well - I was really surprised. I wasn't expecting anything special but I was totally wrong. Night cream mask really gives such a fantastic glow to my skin, and oil as well is super fabulous, non- greasy feeling at all. It was so nice to hear from a man that it smells really nice - so he stuck his nose to my face and fell asleep - so I guess this scent has a calming and realaxing abilities too. So, I Give these  two amazing products thumbs up! Have to say that they are now inculded in my daily regimen. And my skin looks and feels so vibrant, fresh and perfect!  I will remind you that I have dry- almost dehidrated skin. So if these ones work perfect for me- I can't guarantee that they will do the same for you. But Still If you are looking for glow, moisture, softness and you want your skin to rise like a phoenix from ashes - here are the heroes! 

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Zanda teica...

Tā kā nakts krēms/maska man ļoti neiepatikās, tas atdevu to draudzenei, bet mums domas ļoti dalās, jo viņai tas tīri labi simpatizē :) Eļļa stāv neaiztikta, jo neesmu vēl tik ļoti atkal eļļu lietošanā :)

Unknown teica...

Nu re, cik vienam patīk, tik otram nepatīk :) man patīk abi, tiešām nebiju gaidījusi, ka šīs pudelītes man simpatizēs :)

Unknown teica...

how to use the night cream one? I bought but I still couldn't understand how to use it. is it just normal cream or use like a mask?

Unknown teica...

how to use the night cream one? I bought but I still couldn't understand how to use it. is it just normal cream or use like a mask?