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[ Make-up Tip ] Basic eyemakeup technique

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ENG: Hey, I think we all know that each person has a different eye shape. Some of us has hooded eyes, some close set or deep set eyes, but that doesnt mean that they are not good enough for beautiful make-up creations. U just need to understand few rules and keep them in your mind and everything will be perfect! Below i added a picture with a classic colour placement of eyemakeup . This scheme can be used as a guide and you can pick any colors you like to create makeup.
Do you do your make-up using some guides either make-up charts or you just do your make-up as you think it should look? 
Do you find these tips helpful? 
Best day to you guys! 

LV: Hei, es domāju, ka mēs visi zinam, ka katram cilvēkam ir savādāka acu forma. Dažiem no mums ir smagi augšējie plakstiņi, citam tuvu stāvošas acis, bet citam loti dziļas acis. Tas gan nenozīmē, ka tās nav piemērotas, lai uz tām veidotu satriecošu make-up. Ir tikai jāsaprot daži noteikumi, kuri jāņem vērā, kad veidojat grimu un viss izdosies lieliski. Zemāk es pikevienoju klasisku grima tehniku, kura ir visiem viegli saprotama. Šo shēmu varat izmantot, lai izveidotu grimu izmantojot pilnīgi jebkuras krāsas. 
Vai grimu veidojat vadoties pēc shēmām vai vienkārši kā ienāk prātā? 
Vai jums šī informācija šķiet noderīga? 
Vēlu jums lieliskāko dienu draugi!

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