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[ Personal Style ] - Late autumn

Hey, Pretty!

ENG: Oh, It is Saturday - and the time outside is pretty awful :( Cold, rainy and wet... Can't say that I  like it, but it is still way better than snow and the degrees are still above zero. So no moon boots yet! 
Yesterday was quite nice day with a bit of a sunshine so I decided to do some photos with look of the day! Day I started with pedicure, then I had school ( I was learning about meeting the client for a style consultation) and in the evening I was working in a Shopping mall SPICE. So I went for comfortable outfit. 
 In Spice there was a shopping night with high discounts, people performing and positive atmosphere. So after I finished my work I did a pretty bad damage to my credit card :D .. But at least all I bought I really wanted. And as I am each day one step closer to be a Stylist I actually can't have a " I don't care day" I have to look good all the time. It is like a good dentist can't have bad teeth, trainer in the gym can't be fat and so on. ok, I guess I started a bit of a chit chat lets move to the photos! :)
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LV: O, ir sestdiena- un ārā ir diezgan nejauks laiks. :( Auksts, lietains un slapjšs.. Nevaru teikt, ka man patīk, bet ir labāk, ka sniega nav un grādi vēl ir virs nulles. Nekādi Moon Boots pagaidām!
Vakardien bija diezgan jauka diena ar nelielu saulītes uzspīdēšanu, tapēc nolēmu uzņemt dienas ietērpiņa bildes. Diena sākās ar pedikīru, tad skola ( mācījāmies par tikšanos ar kleintu, kad viņš nāk uz konsultāciju pie Stilista) un vakarā es strādāju SPICĒ. Tapēc biju izvēlējusies ērtu apģērbu.
Spicē bija iepirkšanās nakts ar lielām atlaidēm, dažādiem pasākumiem un pozitīvu atmosfēru. Tapēc pēc darba arī mana bankas karte dabūja ciest :D Bet, vismaz, es nopirku visu, ko tiešām vēlējos. Un tā kā ar katru dienu esmu ar vienu soli tuvāk kļūstot par Stilistu, es sāku saprast, ka nevaru vairs atļauties " man vienalga dienas" . Man visu laiku jāizskatās labi. Tas ir tāpat kā labam zobuārstam nevar būt slikti zobi, treneris sporta zālē nevar būt resns un tā tālāk.. Oi, es te sāku aizpļāpāties, rādu jums tak tās bildes! :) 
Paskatieties arī Independent fashion blogger lapu

ENG: Lately I can't wear a blouse or a t-shirt without wearing a jacket on top. I think that the jacket is a piece that helps to make your outfit look more serious and finished. What about you and jackets? 

LV: Pedējā laikā es nvaru uzvilkt blūzi vai krekliņu neuzvelkot pa virsu žaketi. Manuprāt, žakete ir apģērba gabals, kurš jebkuru apģērba kombināciju padara nopietnāku un pabeigtāku. Kā ir ar jums un žaketēm? 
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Unknown teica...

Agree! Totally love and need jackets right now!
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Unknown teica...

Great color! :)

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