Remember your hometown, the place you fell in love, your favourite vacation or any place that's special in your life?
So, this time I would love to share with you Modern Map .A super cool online site where you can order a poster with a map of you city, country or your favourite ski mountain! But sure I got a map of my city - RIGA. I am born and raised in Riga and I'm proud of it and as many of Latvians know we like to take the name of our country or city in to the world, so everybody would know it. :) Proud Latvians! The map is very accurate, I even found my street right where it has to be!
If you do not like anything on your walls, but still like the idea of maps - then there are pillows or phone cases, just pick what you like more. As my print is black & white I always can add some colour to it & mark any special place I have or just leave it as perfect as it is right now. Everything is up to you, to your desires.
I am glad that the map came all packed in really gently, with no possibilities to get damaged, so I assure you, safe delivery is not a problem! :)
https://www.facebook.com/modernmapart https://twitter.com/modernmapart https://plus.google.com/117490274267489997335 https://www.instagram.com/modernmapart/
P.S. These ones makes a great gift as well.

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