It’s about female strength and power
I Love this blouse cause it's so feminine and the shades are perfect for autumn, winter, spring and even summer season. This time I paired it with wide pants, that are so in trend right now. But you can pair it with jeans, pants, skirts, shorts and even wear it as a dress on Côte d'Azur beach during your vacation. 

H&M Studio AW16 Blouse- 39.99
H&M Studio AW16 Pants- 59.99
H&M Studio AW16 Bag- 89.99
Watch the show HERE
The power of women and romance of folk
“There is a new femininity in this H&M Studio collection. It’s about female strength and power, with a fresh look at folklore and romance. It’s very elevated, and also very real,” says Ann-Sofie Johansson, H&M’s creative advisor
H&M Studio Collection AW16 season include individual cases with crisp detail, from the strong cut and ending with rich embroidery. Jackets has expressed shoulders and waist, and the hourglass shape contrasts with Swedish folk influence, both silhouette and decorations. Long, falling dresses with long sleeves adds elegance and softness.
P.S. This year H&M Studio 2016 autumn/winter collection is designed as well for children. This collection creates a fashion folklore fantasy world. The collection is inspired by stories such as Alice in Wonderland or John Bauer Swedish fairy tales and it is topped with embroidered and relevant articles. These limited edition H&M Studio Autumn/Winter 2016 collections will be available in selected stores, as well as online, from September 8th. Studio A/W 2016 lookbook here at nitrolicious.com Also check out the H&M Studio Kids Autumn/Winter 2016 Lookbook over at minilicious.com.
Sievietes spēks un folkloras romantika
Šajā H&M Studio kolekcijā ir vērojama jauna sievišķība. Tā atspoguļo sievietes spēku un varu ar svaigu skatījumu uz folkloru un romantiku. Tā ir ļoti pacilājoša un patiesa,” stāsta Anna-Sofija Johansone, H&M radošā konsultante. H&M Studio kolekcija AW16 sezonā ietver individuālas lietas ar izteiksmīgām detaļām, sākot no izteikta piegriezuma un beidzot ar bagātīgiem izšuvumiem. Žaketēm ir izteikta plecu daļa un viduklis, un to smilšu pulksteņa forma kontrastē ar Zviedru folkloras ietekmi gan siluetā, gan rotājumos. Savukārt, garās, krītošās kleitas ar garajām piedurknēm piešķir eleganci un maigumu.
P.s. Ir radīta Pirmā H&M Studio 2016. gada rudens/ziemas kolekcija bērniem, kas rada modes fantāzijas folkloras pasauli. Kolekciju ir iedvesmojuši tādi stāsti kā Alise Brīnumzemē vai Džona Bauera zviedru pasakas un tā ir papildināta ar izšuvumiem un atbilstošiem rakstiem. Abas kolekcijas būs pieejamas atsevišķos H&M veikalos visā pasaulē, kā arī tiešsaistē no 8. septembra.
In collaboration with H&M Latvija
Photo: Santa Kozlova
Post Comment
Tik foršs tēls! Tāds super sievišķīgs
Paldies ;) Man tik ļoti patīk tā blūze... un man pat bails, ka viņu nedabūšu, jo līdz 11. septembrim esmu prom :(
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