April is gone and I thought that I can do an update each month. To see the changes, and I hope, that soon I will share more videos on workouts you could do even at home.
Current weight - 54kg, 169cm
Workingout routine 2-4 times a week ( depends on my free time)
If 2 workouts: Cardio, Legs
If 3 workouts: Cardio, Legs, Arms/back
If 4 workouts: 2x Cardio, Legs, Back/chest or arms
My Cardio: running 20 minutes ( started running just 2 month ago, cant do more yet) + 10 minutes walking + ABS, or Stepper 30-40 minutes + ABS
During simple workout days: 15 minutes warm up + 60 minutes, workout contains 5-6 different exercises
My favorite motivators on instagram at the moment: Sonialtevfitness , EmilySkyfit, Parker_physique & Anllela Sagra
What is your current situation? Do You workout, run, swim, walk, climb? Where do you get your inspiration from?

Full look: Adidas/ Adidas Pure Boost X

H&M Sport / Nike

Adidas/ Adidas PureBoostX

Adidas/ Adidas Pure Boost X


Adidas/ H&M/

MAAJI swimwear
Adidas/ Adidas Pure Boost X
Post Comment
Ou! Cik tev daudz sporta outfiti :)
Nav jau baigi daudz, bet es viņus arī kaut kā dalu pēc treniņiem. Apavi dalās kad ir spēka un kad kardio treniņi :)
Hehe, es pa daļai iedvesmojoties no Tevis šogad atsāku regulāru sportošanu.. Iepirku arī jaunas sporta drēbes, uzreiz priecīgāk palika iet uz sporta zāli! :) Man gan vēl tāls ceļš ejams, bet uzlabojumi ir redzami un pašsajūta arī stipri pacēlusies! :)
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