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MIXA Sensitive skin expert | review

There are new skin care products " MIXA" available in  shops now for a senstive skin.  So I got to try 2 products. One is micellar water 400 ml and other is a balancing cream - 24h moisturising. Micellar water is fine, but it is quite hard to get off all my eye make-up if I use waterproof products. Moisturising face cream is quite nice, if you have a sensitive skin, and you need a basic moisturiser, then this one is good. By the way this is a really good option for a primer. :)
My students uses mixa micellar water as seen on my make-up classes. Big bottle, nice price.
And balancing cream contains glycerin, so make up will hold well and formulation is made to moisturise and minimise shine. So it's a win win situation. Good budget friendly option for sensitive skin and it is hypoallergenic, paraben & colorant free.

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Zanda teica...

Mixa micelārais ūdens, konkrēti šis, patiešām ir ļoti labs un ikdienas vajadzībām pat perfekts :) Ar noturīgāku kosmētiku tiešām ir problēmas, bet parasto day to day grimu noņem bez problēmām :)