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MISSHA Face and Lip masks

I do really love face masks and sheet masks are just amazing. MISSHA has different type of sheet masks- first that I tried is Pure Source Honey mask. Well when you apply this mask-you will look like you can rob the bank. :) So hillarious. The best thing, that they can be reapllyied if you put it back in the  package and store it in the fridge. And for me the biggest " Wow" was lip gel patch. These lovely lips are way bigger than my own. Patch is slippery, it doesn't stick - so you have to lay down while using it. Sheet mask I really loved, skin became so nice and glowy, but lip mask didn't do anything to my dry lips. :( 

Have you tried sheet masks? Do you have your favorites? 

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Elīna teica...

Drāniņu maskas ir lieliskas un nekas tik labi neatsvaidzina ādu pirms kāda pasākuma, vai tamlīdzīgi :) Esmu lietojusi visvisādas, bet pēc efekta lielākā daļa man šķiet līdzīgas. Tiesa, neesmu mēģinājusi ļoti dārgas.

Unknown teica...

Kas Tavuprāt ir dārgas? Jā drāniņu maskas tiesa ir izcilas reizēs, kad nepieciešams tūlītējs rezultāts ;)