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La Mav Hibiscus Extract Ultra-lift day cream

Age defying results inspired by skin science and delivered trough nature.

LV:Jūs jau zinat no maniem iepriekšējiem salīdzinoši senajiem rakstiem ( šeit, šeit un šeit ) par La Mav organiskās kosmētikas produktiem. Tāpat kā ieprieš arī šoreiz man ir iepaticies jaunākais mans guvums- dienas liftinga krems. Še ku, re ku, bet patreiz es ik dienas draudzējoties ar šo kremu, vakaros esmu iemīļojusi papriecāties par sejas ādas stāvokli pēc garās dienas. 

Ādai sākot ar 25 gadiem un tuvojoties 30 ir jāpievērš lielāka uzmanība. Es nebaidos lietot liftinga kremus, jo mūsdienās pie ikdienas stresa, piesārņojuma un mūsdienu sievietes dzīves veida, šis ir tieši tas, kas man ir pa prātam. Vieglas tekstūras, tik pat viegla, neuzbāzīga aromāta krems ir viegls un iesūcas ādā nemāmi ātri. Šī noteikti nebūs smagā artilērija, bet ikdienas tonusam perfekti. 
Šis ir mans 4 La Mav produkts un jāsaka, ka neviens nav licis vilties. 

Piemērots ādai, kurai trūkst elastības, vērojamas smalkas līnijas un/vai dziļas grumbas. Kremu lietot ikdienā.

intensīvi izmeklēts mitrinošs dienas krēms, kura formulā iekļauts augstākā līmeņa iedarbīgais un aktīvais pretnovecošanās Hibiscus esculentus ekstrakts, kas atbrīvo ādu un redzami izlīdzina grumbas.
Piespiediet 1–2 reizes uz tīriem pirkstu galiem un viegli iemasējiet tīrā sejas, kakla un dekoltē zonā, līdz tas ir absorbējies.Optimāliem rezultātiem lietojiet pēc La Mav seruma.
  • Redzami izlīdzina grumbas un samazina redzamās smalkās līnijas
  • Atbalsta elastību un stingrību, nodrošinot jaunāku izskatu
  • Nodrošina ikdienas aizsardzību no brīvajiem radikāļiem
  • Palīdz novērst acīmredzamas novecošanas pazīmes.

ENG:  Well, this is not my first La Mav product as maybe you remember I already had written about BB cream and Cleansing cream and eye cream. ( my last reviews were here , here and here ) All products were wonderful so I didn't thought long when I received a chance to try this lifting cream. As you maybe know starting age 20 you need to use some creams that will help to maintain your skin elastic and looking healthy, after 25 and closer to 30 it is not bad to pamper your skin with extra goodies. So this organic lifting cream is a best way to do it. Since I starred to use this cream on daily bases I like what I see in the mirror when I come home late at night. Skin is looking better than before. Cream is light, absorbs quickly, doesn't leave your skin sticky or shiny. Love to use it as a base under foundation or bb cream. 

An intensive moisturising day crème formulated with potent ingredients that have been scientifically proven to help reduce the appearance of aging. Active Hibiscus esculentus and Commiphora sp. extract to relax skin and visibly smooth wrinkles for a Botox™ like effect, delivering a fresh and toned appearance and promoting a more youthful looking complexion. Designed to prevent the visible signs of aging and will work in synergy with other La Mav Lift and Firm Range products for fast, dramatic results you’ll have to see to believe.

Order with confidence: all La Mav products are certified organic, clinically proven, and cruelty free!

Best For:
• Daily use for all skin types
• Mature skin or skin that is prone to fine lines<
• Skin lacking elasticity

• Hibiscus esculentus extract is a natural peptide that has BOTOX® like effect that gently relaxes skin to smooth expression lines and helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It tones, firms and rest facial muscles
• Cassia alata leaf extract protects cellular DNA from UVA and UVB and supports natural repair of cells
• Antioxidants from Green Tea and Vitamin E delivers long lasting anti-aging benefits by combating the effect of free radicals
• Fruit Acids from Bilberry, Sugar Maple, Lemon, Orange and Sugar Cane help plump up the skin revealing a glowing and radiant complexion

About our Lift and Firm Range:
La Mav's Lift & Firm Range is scientifically formulated specifically for those looking to increase life and firmness of the skin. Hibiscus esculentus extract, Argania extract, Wheat protein, Green tea extract and Rhizobian & Acacia senegal are key ingredients in the range that have proven effects to offer firming support while promoting elasticity. All products in this range are ideal for skin that lacks elasticity and is prone to fine lines and/or deep wrinkles.

 Kā jau vienmēr, ja man ir iespēja, tad piedāvāju jums izmantot mazas ekstras. Iegādāties LA MAV produkciju varat šeit
Izmantojiet kodu: ilovelamav  un iegūstiet 10% atlaidi pirkumam. 

/ Paldies izplatītājiem par iespēju izmēģināt šo kremu. /

" Īsta mīlestība sākas tur, kur tu neko negaidi pretī." 
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Interesting product


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La Mav is a prety cool otganic brand. :) this one is lovely liftng cream