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[ Fashion ] First Latvian online showroom

Hey, My beautiful :)

 Riga Fashion Week Online Showroom – a Unique Project in the History of Baltic Fashion 

ENG: The Baltic Fashion federation will open the first online showroom in Latvia on April 2, 2014, honoring the 20th Riga Fashion Week. The online showroom is a virtual project of the online fashion store It will give an exclusive opportunity for everyone to reserve the items desired from the newest collections of the Baltic fashion designers seen in Riga Fashion Week from the very beginning of each show, enabling them to purchase the collections long before they are available in stores.

“It is important that visitors of the Riga Fashion Week are both able to see the newest collections of the best-known fashion designers and have them available for purchasing immediately, especially at a time when everything can be found in a second and it is possible to purchase anything online from any part of the world,” Elena Strahova, the director of the Riga Fashion Week and the president of the Baltic Fashion federation, explains. She ads that: “the Riga Fashion Week online showroom will be available also for those who will not attend the Fashion Week itself – they will be able to explore and purchase the new collections online even few days after the shows.”

This online showroom will allow to reserve the collections from the best Baltic fashion designers before they are in stores for instance Anna Led, BeCarousell, One Wolf, QooQoo, In by Inga Nipane, Baiba Ladiga, Nolo, Alexander Pavlov and Pohjanheimo etc. The 20th Riga Fashion Week will showcase and offer for purchasing the autumn/winter 2014 collections that have been displayed in the exhibitions of fashion meccas around the world, showrooms and other events. The majority of collections will be available in stores only at the end of the summer, so the Riga Fashion Week online showroom will offer the opportunity to purchase the items months later – till April 12.

This year, the prêt-à-porter fashion event will take place in the fashion store Podium in Riga, Brīvības gatve 201. The autumn/winter 2014 collections of the best-known Baltic fashion designers will be available at the online fashion store for 10 days after the end of the Riga Fashion Week – till April 12
Wish you a Fab beginning of the week :)

LV:  Informēju, ka, atzīmējot 20. Rīgas modes nedēļu, 2. aprīlī Baltijas Modes federācija atklās Latvijā pirmo online showroom - virtuālu projektu interneta veikalā . Tas ļaus Riga Fashion Week laikā rezervēt Baltijas valstu dizaineru jauno kolekciju tērpus līdz ar katras modes skates sākumu, tādējādi nodrošinot ekskluzīvu iespēju iegādāties apģērbu, pirms tas nokļuvis veikalos.

„Būtiski, lai Riga Fashion Week interesenti varētu ne tikai apskatīt zināmāko dizaineru darbus – svarīgi, lai tie būtu pieejami ikvienam, it sevišķi laikmetā, kad komunikācija norit sekundes laikā un iepirkties iespējams internetā vien ar pāris klikšķiem jebkurā pasaules valstī,” par unikālo online projektu stāsta Riga Fashion Week producente, Baltijas Modes federācijas prezidente Jeļena Strahova. „Riga Fashion Week online showroom būs pieejams arī tiem, kas modes nedēļu neapmeklēs – vēl vairākas dienas pēc pasākuma beigām tērpi būs apskatāmi un iegādājami interneta veikalā.”

Online vietnē būs iespēja rezervēt atzītu Baltijas valstu dizaineru - Anna Led, BeCarousell, One Wolf, QooQoo, In by Inga Nipane, Baiba Ladiga, Nolo, Alexander Pavlov, Pohjanheimo u.c. zīmolu - kolekcijas.

Lai jums fantastisks nedēļas sākums :)

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