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[ Beauty ] Mixing unmixable

Hey, Young Punks!

ENG: This is how I feel today after styling lesson at school- talked about designers and Vivienne Westwood was one of them - mentioned as a one of the most famous designers nowdays. 
So this was mine inspiration how to review my new Inglot products I have in a more fun way. 
Hope you enjoy! 

LV: Šādi es jūtos šodien pēc stilistikas nodarbības- runājām par dizaineriem un Viviena Vestvuda bija viena no tām- minēta kā viena no mūsdienu slavenām dizainerēm. Tad nu viņa mani šodien iedvesmoja kā jums atrādīt manus INGLOT kosmētikas produktus interesantākā veidā.
Ceru, ka patiks! 

ENG: Eyeshadows:  body pigment pearl- 63 ( green), AMC pure pigment eye shadow - 86 (red (ish) 
AMC eye & Lip pencil -black -89 
Love all these 3 products. Pencil is really good for smokey eyes- easy and quick to do. 
as well I often need to do black lips - this pencil can be used in 2 ways. Eyes & lips. 2 in 1 as it contains avocado oil doesn't dry skin.
& Multi- Action toner for Dry skin- mmmm scent is awesome, and the feeling on my face is fresh and nice. Deeplly moisturisng facial toner with lily extract, restores ph balance to my dry skin.  I use this every day. As well there is for normal and for oily skin too.

LV: Acu ēnas: Body pigment pearl- 63 ( zaļš) , AMC pure pigment eye shadow 86 (sarkan (īgs) , 
AMC acu un lūpu zīmulis - melns 89
Dievinu visos šos 3 produktus- Zīmulis ir fantastisks dūmakaino acu grimam, ātri un vienkārši. Arī bieži veidoju melnas lūpas- tā kā šis paredzēts vairākiem darbiem. Gan acīm, gan lūpām. Tā kā satur avokado eļļu, tad nesausinās ādu. 
Un Multi- Action toniks sausai ādai - mmmm aromāts dievīgs un sajūta sejai svaiga un jauka. Dziļi mitrinošs sejas tonis ar lilliju ekstraktu, atjauno ph balansu manai sausajai ādai. Lietoju šo katru dienu. Ir arī pieejams normālai un taukainai ādai. 

ENG: Oh, well this is Latvian Singer Markus Riva - if someone knows what is EUROVISION then this song is made for that contest. I listened it at school one of my clasmates showed the video. It aired just yesterday :) I am kind of a fan of it cause I can hear it in my head all the time. :)
Have a musical evening ;) 
p.s. Has anyone tried any of these INGLOT products? 

LV: Ah, šo Latviešu mūziķi Markusu Rivu jūs noteikti zinat- un šī dziesma ir Eirovīzijas konkursam.
Dziesmu un video parādīja kursabiedrene  un kopš tā brīža man viņa skan galvā. Manuprāt ļoti labs gabals. 
Tad nu lai Jums muzikāls un foršs vakars! :) 
P.s. Kāds ir mēģinājis kādu no šiem INGLOT produktiem? 

Markus Riva - Lights On (Music Video) 

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Unknown teica...

Crazy make up! But I love it! Fantasy rules :)

Unknown teica...

:D well - fantasy rulles for sure. But this is more than a creative make-up ;) I Didn't want to do just a patch on my hand reviewing eyeshadows and pencil- so I did it on my face in a fun way :))

Unknown teica...

Very cool. Love the pictures. Great lighting and fun make up. Great job. Gin

Unknown teica...

Oh, thanks - make-up was really funny :) Just wanted for others to know the colors in a different perspective ;)